
About divyanur


About Divya Nur

Divya Nur or दिव्य चेतना (Divine Consciousness) , is a timeless and everlasting source of light that radiates from within and illuminates the hearts of all beings.

Divya Nur Foundation (DNF) is a socio-spiritual organization, dedicated to holistic individual and community development. DNF’s socio-spiritual model is based on 4 pillars – Service (सेवा), Cooperation (सहयोग), Spiritual practice (साधना), and ultimate surrender to the Divine (समर्पण).

DNF firmly believes that there are two dimensions of human life – inner and outer. The highest purpose of inner life is Surrender (समर्पण आत्माबोध का दर्पण ), and the path is Spiritual practice (साधना: आमखोज क भावना). The highest purpose of outer life is Service (सेवा ही धर्म है), and the path is Cooperation (सहयोग है तो सभव है).

Steady progress in our inner life journey (साधना-समर्पण ) brings individual peace and bliss, and steady progress in our outer life journey (सेवा-सहयोग) brings prosperity and joy in our society. It is this model of holistic individual and community development that DNF has dedicated itself to for over a decade.

Execution of DNF’s socio-spiritual model can be captured as ABCD – Awareness Based Consciousness Development (spiritual) and Alliance Based Community Development (social). DNF has a series of frameworks and training programs to transform this possibility into reality.

Come! Join us in this exciting journey and bring peace, prosperity and joy for yourself and for the world around you.

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A harmonious world where inner peace and outer prosperity thrive through spiritual growth and social service.



To foster holistic development by integrating Service (सेवा ), Cooperation (सहयोग), Spiritual practice (साधना), and Surrender (समपण), transforming individuals and communities for a balanced and joyful life.



Becoming socio-spiritually aware


Sharing your thoughts & ideas


Connecting with like-minded individuals & institutions


Working together for socio-spiritual upliftment


Pledging to the path of collective progress


Unleashing the collective power of action


Transforming cities, states, nations, and the whole world


Founder’s Message


सेवा ही धर्म है, सेवा ही कर्म है,
सेवा ही जीवन का मर्म है।
सेवा ही योग है, सेवा ही सहयोग है,
सेवा ही जीवन का प्रयोग है।
सेवा ही साधना है, सेवा ही समर्पण है,
सेवा ही जीवन का दर्पण है।

Dear Divya Saathis,

Welcome to Peace & Prosperity !

With profound joy and a deep sense of purpose, I am pleased to share this message with you. Since its establishment in 2014, the Divya Nur Foundation has been dedicated to the visionary goal of Universal Oneness. Inspired by the timeless philosophy of "Ekam Sat" (the essence of all existence is one) and "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam" – the belief that the world is one family – we endeavor to manifest Oneness through the fundamental values of Seva, Sahyog, Sadhna, and Samarpan

Seva, for us, is the highest duty. Through Sahyog, mutual cooperation, we leverage our strengths to uplift each other and foster a thriving society. Sadhna, spiritual practice, guides us on a path of self discovery and fulfillment of our highest potentials. Ultimately, through Samarpan, complete surrender to our true selves and life's purpose, we attain inner peace and eternal bliss

We at the Divya Nur Foundation invite all to embrace these principles, nurturing a culture where service and cooperation lead to societal harmony and prosperity. Together, let us embark on this journey to transform lives and illuminate paths, guiding all towards fulfillment and collective well-being.

साथ दो साथ साथियों , ये बात बहुत बड़ी है,
'सहयोग' भाव सिर्फ भाव नहीं एक जादू की छड़ी है।
कोषा कोषा मिलकर बनता है सुन्दर-बुद्धिमान इंसान,
इंसान इंसान मिलकर क्यों न बना पाएंगे एक शांति-समृद्ध जहान।
साथ दो साथ साथि यों , ये बात बहु त बड़ी है,
'सहयोग' भाव सिर्फ भाव नहीं एक जादू की छड़ी है।

With heart felt gratitude

Your Divya Saathi
Hamid Khan

Our Approach

Seva: Selfless Service

Act with Compassion, Serve Without Boundaries

Sahyog: Cooperation

Together, Every Step of the Way

Sadhna: Spiritual Practice

Cultivate Inner Growth, Radiate Outer Peace

Samarpan: Surrender

Do your best, Leave rest to the Divine
